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Danielle Wilkie talks about female representation in real estate coaching

Posted by Unes on December 4, 2024

The program features host and co-founder Tracey Velt Steering wheeldiscuss emerging trends in real estate, women's representation in real estate coaching and .

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. To kick off the conversation, Wilkie explores his career path before co-founding The Helm.

Danielle Wilkie: As you know, women make up two-thirds of the country's population. We found that less than one-third are actually nationally recognized coaches. When we saw this gap, we had to do something about it. So we launched The Helm.

Tracey Velt: What can a female coach offer women that a male coach can't?

Wilkie: There's a truth – and the speed to the truth – sometimes it can be different when you don't have that dynamic with a man and a woman. There are many women who are looking for a different approach.

velvet: I think there is something really important about niche coaching. Tell me how it affects what you do.

Wilkie: In real estate for a long time, most people go to one person and they know everything. They are a guru and they help me forever – almost like a mentor type. I don't think this is the most efficient way to do things. No one can be an expert or passionate and passionate about everything. This is simply not possible. I think there will definitely be a niche among the coaches.

Second, you will see the rise of the creative economy in real estate. In the next five years, I think any and all real estate agents will be coaches. So quality needs to be differentiated, promoted and displayed.

velvet: Let's talk about artificial intelligence. I think it's a very confusing topic for a lot of people.

Wilkie: When I think about how AI will impact coaching and real estate and beyond, I see that content no longer means anything. Coaching used to mean developing a program or writing a book. What really matters now is the experience with which you cover that content. It's the life you live, the experience you gain, and then bringing it into content.

velvet: Do you see any emerging trends in technology or artificial intelligence and its use in real estate?

Wilkie: I think the No. 1 trend is back-office optimization. All money can be withdrawn from businesses that are ineffective. After that, you'll start to see it become more of a front-end experience, but that's where all the capabilities are.

To conclude the conversation, Wilkie explores the concept of conscious leadership.

Wilkie: It was a fairly new but rapidly evolving concept in the tech space. Leaders were looking for ways to manage themselves differently. Conscious leadership is a great blueprint for how to go and do it, so we went through it and it's been life-changing for me professionally and personally.

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