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Jason Cave joins the Mr. Cooper team as SVP of Government Affairs

Posted by Unes on January 26, 2025

Cave will report directly to the company's EVP and CFO. Cave joins the company with more than three decades in the federal bank regulatory sector, serving in a variety of leadership roles. and .

In 2023, when Cave was chief fintech officer at the FHFA, he led the agency, which brings together “experts and practitioners from the technology and mortgage finance sectors to solve a common problem,” according to the website.

That first technology sprint asked how the digitization of data could increase transparency and improve access, fairness, affordability and sustainability in mortgage lending. FHFA's topic is how generational AI can be used to address housing affordability.

Cave has contributed articles to HousingWire and appeared on the HousingWire Daily podcast.

A graduate of Bryant University, Cave was the school's principal Piedmont Risk Advisors, LLCa firm he founded that provides strategic advisory services to financial institutions on business strategy and implementation.

In his new role, Cave will work closely with regulators, industry associations, advocacy groups and government agencies to support Mr. Cooper's clients.

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