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Living in the landfill: Melbourne family decades, damage and disappointment in Cranbourne region, frustration –

Posted by Unes on March 12, 2025


The ribbon lenko and his sons are fighting the same penalty to escape after moving to new neighborhoods in Christianity and Dominic, years ago.

Melbourne's Lenko's family has been vomiting and drowned in the terrible deviation of their local ends for more than a decade.

Family years spent that every year the Environmental Protection Organization (EPA) showed more than 1,200 smells from Cranbourne and Narre Warren South South.

The ribbon and Rachel Lenko made a house in the Hampton Park in 2009, the real estate agent was “not a problem” in the landfill.


“They said that we can get a delayed smell at night, but there is nothing that can go inside the house.”

“It was the truth for two years, but it was unbearable by 2011.”

Mr Lenko said he suspected EPA's bad smells, but he said he was temporary – the police operators were “no problem.”


Lenko's family, 150,000, trying to face the unbearable landfill only years later. Photo: Mark Stewart.

“My wife was pregnant and the smell was so bad, he said,” Mr Lenko said.

“It was like to fall into the trap inside the decaying garbage.”

Then EPA, the landfill violated the environmental rules, caused the continued community complaints.


Ribbon Lenko said he vomited smelling when his wife was pregnant, but the authorities were convinced that this was not a 'problem'. Photo: Mark Stewart.

After five years complaints, he cut his homes before buying his homes to Narre Warren in 2016.

“We lost $ 150,000 to escape,” said Mr Lenko.

“We would pay the half of our house with money. We will be borrowed now.”

Then, in the mother of 2019, returned to the nightmare – after moving to his new homes.

“Wash was hanging and suddenly hit me – the same disgusting smell, the right in my yard,” said Mr Lenko.

Angry, he contacted EPA again, only this issue was reported.

The equipped editorial has left for family homes in Cranbourne, which is a known landfill, photo: Gemma Scarri

Hampton Park residents worked with the years of landfill, which has more than 1,200 odor complaints over two years. Photo: Gemma Scarri.

In the table, Mr. Lenko, with new expansion plans, said he was afraid that the issue would worsen.

“How many people lose money, lose sleep and lose your mind before someone does something?”

“This landfill should not be like this in 2025. Still, we are fighting the same battle here.”

Apollo Auctions Victoria Director and Auctionist Andy Reid - For Herald Sun Real Estate

Apollo Auctions Victoria head Andy Reid warns that the bad odors can cut home values ​​and can not be able to leave homeowners who could not potentially be sold potentially.

In July last year, the SBI landfill in EPA cranbourne is about $ 20,000 after the end of the fines.

However, Mr. Lenko said the fines were “a drop in the ocean” compared to the loss of property and quality of life.

Apollo auctions Victoria head Andy Reid warned that the houses of bad odors could not sell homeowners, they could not sell homeowners.

“If a price looks very good to be true, it is probably that's what Mr. Reid said.

“Bad odors create bad emotional answers, and it becomes lower property values.”

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