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Tax Season Has Started, But When Will It End? It depends

Posted by Unes on November 30, 2024

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Tax season officially started on Monday, but the end time depends on where you live.

The IRS officially began accepting tax returns on January 23rd. For most of the country, but residents of some disaster areas have until May 15 to file their taxes. These include flooding and flooding in California, as well as Alabama and Georgia, which were hit by severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in January. The exact regions affected are shown on the map below.

Parts of the country not affected have three extra days, as the usual deadline falls on Saturday, April 15, and Monday is Liberation Day in Washington.

The agency said funding from the Inflation Reduction Act allowed it to hire thousands of additional workers to help serve clients in hopes of a smoother tax season this year. For the past two years, taxpayers have been experiencing processing delays and having to call the agency for help.

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